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Conversion Rates and College Funds

Writer's picture: Thomas LecoqThomas Lecoq

By Thomas Lecoq

Question: You see 20 potential VT patients and 10 enroll. Or, you see 20 patients and 18 enroll? Which is better?

First of all, consider the time it takes to do an evaluation and an effective initial case presentation. Then multiply that by your chair time, which is the total cost per hour to keep your practice operating. Let’s say, $400 per hour. Those 20, one-hour evaluations cost you $8,000. If 10 patients enroll at $10,000 per case, that’s $100,000 gross income. At the second, 90 percent enrollment rate, total gross revenue is $ 180,000.

So which is better, the first or second scenario? And what does that have to do with your child’s college fund, or quickly paying off your college loans, or having a comfortable retirement?

A Dramatic increase in Sign-up rates

We’re talking conversion rates, of course. We find most VT practices we’ve worked with had about a 50 percent conversion rate when we started. Those practices who learned how to do what we call “the shake out,” raise that to 90 percent or better.

“The shake out” is designed to accomplish the following:

1. Have parents or patients arrive knowing the source of their issues are directly related to vision.

2. Have them arrive knowing what to expect and in many cases, ready to enroll in a program of care. No sticker shock, no surprises.

3. Handle the issues of insurance and payment BEFORE they arrive.

4. Shake out those patients who resist paying for the program of care, with an alternative path so they enroll in care later.

5. Remove all need for the doctor to become a salesman for VT.

All of this is to make sure you don’t see patients who need to be “sold” on the need for what doctor recommends.

The shake out simply means that doctor does not see patients who are unprepared, and only sees patients for VT who arrive knowing that vision is the issue, and that you clearly have the solution.

A system to ensure patient/parent preparation, sign-ups

The Lecoq method is a complete system, developed and proven over decades to give VT ODs exactly the practice they desire. It can be adjusted to suit different doctor’s needs and wants. It builds a team that takes the load off the doctor so the OD only performs their highest professional role.

The Lecoq Method requires considerable training, some online, the rest in person. It starts with either the “Mastering the Business of Vision Therapy” course, (Available remotely) or the communications oriented “Mastering the Art of Vision Therapy Communication.”

"Mastering the Business.." is an excellent overview of the method. It provides a wealth of information that will provide years of practice growth. Enhance this by adding "Mastering... VT Communication," or bundle them with the all important in-office training and implementation support of a Complete Consultation Program.

It is completely the doctor’s choice, of course, but you can also take advantage of the practice assessment questionnaire for existing or planned VT practices, and complementary phone consultation with Amee Lecoq. We don’t practice or teach hard sell methods. We think that if you want the best possible practice, you’ll quickly realize the incredible value of learning and applying the Lecoq Method in your practice.

Whether you are starting VT cold, adding it to an existing practice, operating an existing VT practice, I promise you that what you’ll learn from the courses and consultations will change your professional and personal life.

And it will increase your income and profitability, which you can stash away for that college fund, or pay off your own education loans lickety-split. And it will free up time for family, or any other activity that calls to you.

These are big promises. Check our review pages to learn how well we fulfill them.



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