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Here's what past participants and clients have to say about our courses and consultation:

“This was a wonderful experience for myself, both professionally and personally. The value, attention and knowledge that was provided was amazing. I feel very happy about taking this course. The experience is something doctors need and should have. “

Pinto Ng Zhao, O.D.

“This has been a great experience because I learned a lot and have a lot of ideas on how to apply it to our office. I would like other doctors to know that this course is invaluable in growing their practice, and there is always more to learn.”

Patricia Wai, O.D.

“My experience here was learning that even my seasoned co-workers are still trying to grow and blossom their own skills and seeing that they’re trying to better themselves makes me want to follow suit. I came here hoping how to improve, which I did, but also saw that with these courses there’s always room to grow. “

Hunter Flores, Admin staff

“I had a great time with the group and the course itself was amazing. Important and effective communication was broken down into a simple system. “ 

Jesus Barrios, O.D.



“The Communication between myself and pts. will be improved. 
   -mostly the listening aspect on my end.
   -Allowing pts to convey how they feel about their respective problems.”

Zac Inboden, Vision Therapist

“Most valuable thing learned: The information that was given to me will allow me to share with my daughter-in-law, because of my grandson who is struggling in school. “

Margaret Culbreath, Admin. Staff

“I feel more confident in the knowledge I have and how I’ve been using it. …What I want other doctors to know is that this course is effective so long as you’re willing to kill some old habits and implement new, better ones.”

Melissa Kelley, Community Outreach Admin. Staff

“Many activities were great for team building and developing strategies for common challenges we are facing. I feel I have some business building tools to give more structure and accountability to the future.”

Optometrist participant

“I’m confident to speak with a client or potential client….Although this course is overwhelming at first for people who have zero experience in this field, we were never once made to feel like we were over our heads. I am still swimming in information, but can appreciate how this will help make Doctor's practice profitable. “

Jody Hintz, Vision Therapist trainee 

Most valuable thing learned: “ The ability to be able to talk with patients and know what I’m doing. The Triage will come in very useful and it’s broken down very nicely.” “Amee did a great job explaining everything and giving examples. She was open to all questions and helped work through problems. I’ve gained a lot of information that will come in very useful with my job!”

Jenni Olson, Admin. Staff

Most valuable thing learned: “How to be empathetic and not searching for solutions. I really learned that before the exam, they just need a connection and to be heard, plus realizing this could be a solution fo their problems. Plus, this allowed our new staff to get to know each other and feel comfortable talking about vision problems, which can take YEARS on your own!

Neil Renaud, O.D., FCOVD – at time of practice launch

Most valuable thing learned: “Presentation, the “why” of a VT practice, what ultimately is the goal of getting a potential patient to sign on with us.”
“I really enjoyed meeting Amee! Very personable individual who came across as very knowledgeable, informative, had so many ideas to be able to get across. Amee has a very calming tone or demeanor about her. Presented “real” life in her discussions with us. Enjoyable! Thank you!”

Vision Therapist Trainee

“It has been great a second time around. I felt like having heard “The Talk,” then done “The Talk,” and now being the “experienced” practitioner of “ The Talk” it allowed me to fine tune it and including reminders on important aspects I wasn’t doing in my workshops.

Dave Maze, O.D., FCOVD – course host

The Lecoq system is ingenious.  They teach the optometrist and staff how to communicate with potential VT candidates via demonstrations and brilliant key phrases.  Parents see for themselves that the problem is visual. The dozens of VT related forms ... free the optometrist from distress and wow the potential VT candidates.  Since hiring the Lecoqs for a private in-office consultation, I have made more money, worked fewer hours, and have received rave reviews from enthusiastic VT patients - all without billing insurance. An optometrist interested in providing VT cannot afford not to hire the Lecoqs. It's as simple as that.


Henry Ettinger. OD, FCOVD

“This course and the consultation program is so valuable that I wish I knew about it when I started my practice. Trying to run a vision therapy practice and do it efficiently was so ineffective before I really understood ow important and powerful the system is. Implementing the system will make my job easier, make everyone happier at work and help many more children and families. One regret I have is just that I did not learn about Lecoq Consulting services earlier. 

Monika Spokas, O.D. 

“For this to be my first in-depth experience in Behavioral Optometry has been almost overwhelming, but at the same time very helpful. It felt like a crash course in public relations, which is beneficial no matter which role you fill in an office. “

Vision Therapist Trainee

"Thomas and Amee, you have a wonderful reputation in the developmental vision community. That said, you have exceeded my high level of expectation. I was most pleased with the excitement that my staff has for implementing the program so that we can help more and more children and adults reach their true God-given potential."

Ken Westcott, O.D., FCOVD

"This was a fantastic course for a new practitioner getting ready to start a therapy practice. The methods of communication presented are easy to implement and make sense. I highly recommend this course for any doctor who is considering starting a VT practice. It will give you the tools necessary to bring patients through your door."

Christina Danley, O.D.

"Great structure, highly fluid presentation.  I'm surprised how easily, quickly and thoroughly we covered SO much material.  Again (the Lecoqs) arranged conditions to allow my staff and us to learn how to effectively communicate the message about the importance of vision in our lives.  I'm excited for my staff to dive in on all the ideas we've generated."
"An empowered staff is priceless - when they know why we do the things we do (building people), and how to do it (the R.T.E.C.), they become very powerful people."


Phil Bugaiski, O.D., FCOVD, FCSO

"This course really taught me a system for communicating to patients in a way that connected me to patients (parents/grandparents of patients) on an emotional level. It really shows you how to become a real doctor, how to listen to and elicit emotions in a genuine manner. This form of communication really emphasizes the patient's best interest and provides a way to offer a valuable service like vision therapy in a way that isn't a selling technique. If all doctors learned this method of communication, vision therapy wouldn't be optometry's best kept secret."

Carolanne Roach, O.D.

"Hearing Thomas and Amee go through the parts of the course and hearing the use of language as a powerful way to connect with people will help you rethink how you communicate with people more effectively. You will receive hands-on help and learn to share with your patients that which you want them to know most about what you offer."

Steve Haleo, O.D., FCOVD

"This course totally changed how I discuss vision with parents, educators, and the general public.  It is amazing how much better we are at letting a parent know that we understand the depth of their child's vision and learning struggles.  We are better at engaging in discussions of the struggles both at school and at home, and in motivating parents to take the next step in treating the vision problem.  Since taking this course we have had substantial growth in our practice with regular workshops being a central part of our community outreach.  Thank you, Tom and Amee, for helping our practice reach its potential." 

Robert Fox, O.D., FCOVD. FCSO

"The More Patients Breakthrough Course recalled many things I'd let drop out.  Surprisingly it also gave me great ideas that I can begin using tomorrow.  I would recommend this course for beginners and experienced VT practitioners alike."  He added the most valuable thing: "Remembering to talk less and listen more."


David Cook, O.D., FCOVD, GA

The most valuable thing:  "Empathy.  Getting back to caring for helping the patient.  The over-riding experience for me was that of identifying with and empathy for the patient and the family of the patient"
--W. C. Maples, O.D., FCOVD, MS

"The most valuable lessons learned are those that make one discover that you don't have learn all this on your own.  The information given has been developed over years and is easily is enjoyable.  There is no threatening and you can take it all and use it without hesitation.  I feel I return to my roots, that I do optometry again."


Julie Ryan, O.D., Irvine, CA

"The missing link to my optometric vision therapy knowledge.  Now I not only know how to perform therapy, I also can effectively spread the word out to my community so that children with these problems will be recognized and then find help." 

Ron Poulin, O.D., NY

"Loved it; glad we came...initial contact is critical.  Triggering emotions is the key to patient signup."


Jennifer Kungle, O.D., FCOVD

"I think this was a great overall experience.  It changes your way of thinking about your actions and how you manage patients...I learned that you have to show people that vision is a problem, not explain it.  I'm sure I lose people with my talks."

Lynn Lowell, O.D. 

"It is all about helping kids.  The talk is not to have participants understand everything, but to be aware.  (The) impact goes on for a lifetime and how valuable is that."


Chuck Balch, O.D., 

"I would say that anyone in this profession 'needs' to have this course.  I came on my first official day on the job, knowing nothing, and feel like I now know so much.  And, I'm eager to begin doing what I have learned."

Shelley Wood, VT Administrator

"As someone who has always wanted to understand things, I have sought to make patients understand the problem and how I can solve it.  Although it comes from my heart and out of genuine care for helping others, (this approach) has left me ineffective as a doctor because it isn't what they understand that leads them to do what I recommend.  This course has finally given me the way to let patients know how much I care, and (to) choose the right thing because they KNOW its the right thing.  I can finally reach those I can help much more effectively, and impact many more lives than I thought possible. Thank you!"


Heidi Wise, O.D.

"This is a master communications course.  You will develop the ability to talk to anyone about vision, and (present) choices to make their vision--or their children's vision--so they can live their best life.  You will learn things about yourself that you may or may not already know and get feedback on how to make it better."

O.D. Participant, 

"The great script and info of 'The Talk'...will make things so much easier as I transition into a new clinic.  This course has made me a better doctor and will allow me to take better care of my patients--what a gift!  I have learned demos and tips that I will use everyday in seeing even my primary care patients."


Ashley Schuelke-Reddell, O.D.

"I left this course with a much better understanding of how to run a successful VT practice.  But much more important than that, I left this course with a much better understanding of the potential we have to change the life (and world) of one child, and another, and another.  Much too often, we settle for surviving.  At home, at work, with friends, with family.  When instead, we have the potential to reach a level of thriving.  And this course opened my eyes to that potential."

Chad Danley, Administrator

"As a student, I have learned a tremendous amount of information that I would not have otherwise been exposed to at school.  This was a master class in effective in communication marketing and patient management in which Thomas and Amee gave me the tools I need to be successful at what I am passionate about."  


Tom Chwe, O.D. (an SCO student at the time of the course)

"I like the approach.  I appreciate the non-sell method, because now I understand how effective it can be to implement the protocol.  There is much I still have to digest of the things we learned.  I thank you."


Richard Bossin, O.D.    

"Honestly, it was all impactful!!  Take it!!"

Ann Westcott, Office Manager

"The Lecoqs gave us the skills to double our practice while cutting our stress in half.  Changing childen's lives is more fun than ever."


David Cook, O.D., FCOVD  

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